I know, I know. I'm behind. I've taken the pics, just not posted them. And at 2 in the morning tomorrow, we head for the airport so the boys and I can fly to the US.
Today I saw something really horrible. A poor cat in Carlisle town centre. I think she was hit by a car. But it didn't kill her. I'm not sure if she survived or not. I stopped to help her because NO ONE ELSE IN A BUSY CITY CENTRE could be bothered. Once I stopped, another lady came up to help and carried her away. So today there is no picture because I'm too sad and I can't think of anything appropriate to post in her honor.
The mission of this blog is to post a picture a day for a whole year. While I've missed days here and there, and even 2 months while I was moving, it's been loads of fun to do.